
The Moamoa Theological College and Seminary is the tertiary ecclesiastical institution for the education and formation of permanent deacons and priests, as well as to other students interested in doing pastoral ministry for the Archdiocese of Samoa-Apia.


Ultimate responsibility for the seminary is in the hands of the Archbishop and his Conference board. The Archbishops’ Conference board is responsible for the administration and implementation of policies for the college and seminary. The members of the College and Seminary Senate are:


  • Archbishop Alapati Lui Mata’eliga (Chairman)
  • Vicar General
  • Chancellor
  • Episcopal Vicar, Holy Spirit
  • Episcopal Vicar, Pope St Paul VI
  • Episcopal Vicar, St Michael the Archangel
  • Episcopal Vicar, Holy Family
  • Episcopal Vicar, St Paul the Apostle
  • Episcopal Vicar, Immaculate Conception of Mary
  • Episcopal Vicar, St Peter
  • Moamoa Theological College & Seminary Rector


  • Rector – Fr Pesamino Victor
  • Academic Dean – Fr Mikaele Lafaele
  • Pastoral Coordinator – Fr Maselino Lafaele
  • Spiritual Coordinator – Fr Kolio Kelekolio
  • Permanent Deacon Coordinator – Dcn Fa’afetai Lalotoa
  • Registrar/Secretary – Dcn Maselusi Amiatu
  • Librarian – Sr Losa Tofilau


The Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) operates through the office of the Academic Dean. It is concerned in general with all the areas of the Academic program of the Moamoa Theological College and Seminary. For the Academic Year 2022 its membership consists of:

  • Fr. Mikaele Lafaele (Dean)
  • Fr. Nicholas Douglas Fido, MF
  • Sr. Losa Tofilau, MS
  • Dcn Fa’afetai Lalotoa
  • Apolinasio Tovia (Student President)

The AAC meets to discuss academic concerns of both faculty and students. The recommendations and reports of the AAC are presented to the Academic Faculty for further discussions and then approval. One of the main concerns of the AAC is to evaluate continually the current academic program and curriculum, the work loads of individual programs and courses, and to make recommendations to the faculty concerning the future development of the curriculum.

The AAC also acts as a tribunal for academic appeals. Should a lecturer or a student have a grievance that cannot be otherwise taken care of concerning a course, a grade, or the general academic program, he/she is invited to approach any member of the AAC. It will be this member’s responsibility to represent the complaint to the Committee. The complaint and how it was dealt with is recorded by the Dean.


Through the Academic Dean, the AAC coordinates student evaluations of the courses. This is done before the conclusion of lectures in each term. The results are returned to the lecturer after assessments have been completed.


Whether you are interested in learning more about your faith or wish to pursue a career in ministry or pastoral areas  you will find something at Moamoa Theological College and Seminary to meet your needs. We’re here to answer any questions.