Academic Grading System

he student demonstrates mastery of the course. The student will show initiative and originality in approaching and solving problems, the ability to analyse the course content, make associations, and adapt the content to new and changing situations.

The student’s work reveals the ability to work with the basic elements of a course such that the student demonstrates a firm grasp of its principles. The student will be able to apply the principles in a variety of different situations and can discuss the subject matter of the course with ease.

The student is able to recall the basic elements of a course, understand the essential background and materials, make some applications of the basic principles and express them intelligibly.

The student demonstrates some ability to recall the most important basic elements of the course and to explain them at least partially.

The student has not demonstrated sufficient knowledge or understanding of the course material.

The grade of Incomplete should be considered only when there are serious extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from completing the course requirements within the time framework of the term. Before assigning it, the Lecturer and the student should agree on the assignments that need to be completed and on a timetable for their completion. The I grade requires the approval of the Academic Dean.

An “F” grade is redeemable. A student who fails a course may request a reexamination within two weeks after the publication of exam results. A monetary fee may be charged. When it is redeemed the new grade can only become a D. If the student fails again, the “F” will remain on the student’s record. A student with three (3) “F” grades during the years of study will not be allowed to continue. On completion of the course requirements an “I”  grade can be changed to.


Whether you are interested in learning more about your faith or wish to pursue a career in ministry or pastoral areas  you will find something at Moamoa Theological College and Seminary to meet your needs. We’re here to answer any questions.