Mission Statement

Moamoa Theological College and Seminary (MTCS), is a school whose primary purpose is the human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation of men for the Roman Catholic permanent deacon and priesthood. The College/Seminary is for young men bound for permanent Deacon ministry and requiring additional preparation for others entering the Seminary. In addition, the College/Seminary offers theological education to qualified laymen and women for pastoral ministry in parishes. The College/Seminary’s programs adhere to the norms established by the Holy See and as stated in the Program of Priestly Formation.

The logos is upon the form of a chalice shape. It symbolizes the highest form of Catholic celebration – the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is also indicated by the Sacred Scripture and Holy Host and Chalice within the design itself.


The priestly purple stole symbolize the color of Kingship, at the same time, celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation to bring back God’s people in right relationship with their God. The diaconate green stole refers to service, with green color as symbol of life – a symbolic means of our ministerial role is to save-life and its for-life service.


The backdrop of the logos is a Samoan fine mat or ietoga, a highly value commodity in the Samoan culture and traditional. And so the kava bowl, fue & to’oto’o and ietoga are symbols of our culture. The essence of inculturation. The coconut tree is a representation of where we come from, a unique way of expressing our heritage as Oceanic people.


Lastly, our mission statement as instrument of God’s work and evangelization mission.


Whether you are interested in learning more about your faith or wish to pursue a career in ministry or pastoral areas  you will find something at Moamoa Theological College and Seminary to meet your needs. We’re here to answer any questions.